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CodeIgniter Research

Screen Shot 2014-01-27 at 10.39.02 AMAs I mentioned in the post, I wanted to do some research on CodeIgniter for PHP development.

I didn’t get too far before I started looking also at Laravel. But I wanted to post my CI related notes as I have them so far.

Again, I’m using MAMP and you can read my previous post about here.


Some tutorials (I didn’t go thru these, but wanted to ref them for later):

11 video tutorials: I did go thru these and they were helpful:

MAMP Apache has it already. Remaining steps…
1. Create/edit .htaccess at the project base did and add the contents from:

2. Change ‘RewriteBase /‘ to add the project did on the end like ‘RewriteBase /CIProject/‘

3. Edit config.php under the /application/config dir
– set $config[‘index_page’] = ‘’;

4. Extra: Add this to a php file to find out the php info (including mod_rewrite):
echo phpinfo();

Some other notes for historical purposes…

Auto-load a library:
– application/config/autoload.php
— ‘libraries’ – examples there

Database ref:
– create database via phpMyAdmin: http://localhost:8888/MAMP/?language=English
– application/config/database.php
— settings: hostname, username, password, etc.