Since 2008 Brainwash Inc. has developed and contributed over 100 apps in the App Store. Some of the most successful and popular apps have been Brainwash’ed. From Fortune 500 to ‘mom and pop’ clients, join the list.
After experience in the corporate world (IBM, Ericsson, Travelocity), Bear went freelance. The gained knowledge and skill can work for you.

Bear is Brainwash Inc. – No outsourcing – Central time zone (Dallas, TX). Your calls with be with Bear. Your emails will be answered by Bear. Bear will be the one coding on your app. Bear is Brainwash Inc.
Beyond coding iOS apps, Bear authors iOS books (Manning, Apress), creates online iOS courses (Lynda.com/Linkedin Learning), teaches iOS (in-person and virtually).

The Brainwash Inc. motto is “If the client has to ask for an update, it’s a failure.” You should never have to wonder when you’ll get an update, where your code is or what stage is the project in.
Constant, online reporting, emails and calls will keep you out of the dark mystery of YOUR project.