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Failed to launch simulated application: Unknown error.

For mine, I got the error when I tried to change the App bundle ID setting in my info.plist file for the sake of running a test. Changing it back cured the problem, but didn’t do me any good for the test. Thankfully, the app had loaded in the simulator and I ran it manually for my test.As far as I can tell, the problem stemmed from having a bundle ID that matched both a specific ID and a wild-card ID. The App IDs I’ve tried that match only a specific ID/Profile haven’t shown a problem.

I think this is what it was for me. I’m working on a project w/ two targets: one for iPhone and one for iPad. For the iPad version, I used the same profile for debug as the iPhone which uses a wildcard. I switch to my adhoc profile and it installed and ran on the simulator.

via iPhone Simulator: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7 – Stack Overflow.

1 thought on “Failed to launch simulated application: Unknown error.”

  1. Crispin

    iPhone Simulator: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 1

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